Published, "Fantastic Ecologies", "Home's New Frontier" - Luxury Magazine, November 2021.
Tree House Competition Winning Entry, "Fantastic Ecologies", GAD Architecture. October 2021.
Published, “The demand for more experiential spaces will require a new hotel typology”, FRAME magazine. May 2021.
Published, “Carla Bonilla Huaroc turns luxury NYC condos into housing for people leaving prison”, Designboom. January 2021.
Adaptability Award “Stuyvesanttown”, HOME Competition- arch out loud, December 2020
Published, “Fake Wild” and “Tophane Junction” project, Pressing Matters 8. January 2020.
Paul Philippe Cret Medal, University of Pennsylvania, May 2019
Published, “Tophane Junction”, SuckerPunchDaily. March 2019
Published, “Living Thresholds” and “Stuytown 409 E” project, Pressing Matters 7. November 2018.
Published, “Living Thresholds” project, SuckerPUNCHDaily.
September 2018.
September 2018.
Nomination. PennDesign Year End Award. May 2018.
Travel Fellowship Recipient. Dales Portfolio Competition. PennDesign. January 2018.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar. 2017.
Merit Scholarship. PennDesign. 2016-2019.